
Purchasing Process

Author: Release time: 2024-10-10 08:24:48 View number: 94

Purchasing Process

Step 1: Select Items. Select Items from Any Chinese Mainland Shopping Websites

Step 2: Submit Your Shopping Agent Order

1.Enter items details or paste item URL in the search bar, then click search. Then system will automatically collect item specification, manually select color, size, etc. and add to cart.

2.Check out items and Chinese domestic delivery fee and submit order.

Step 3: BuyAnySee Order Review and Item Purchasing

After your order has been successfully submitted, it will be reviewed in 3-5 working hours. Once the review was completed, items will be purchased. Chinese domestic delivery duration is around 3-5 working days.

Step 4: BuyAnySee Receiving, Inspection, and Storage in Warehouse.

After receiving items, we will inspect and weigh the items for you to ensure the items status and then store them in warehouse, which takes 1 working day to complete. When order status is" stored in warehouse", you can click on the" arranging delivery "button to send your items abroad at any time.

Step 5: Submit Delivery Order

Visit "Personal Center" -- " Orders" submit the delivery order, enter the receiver address, choose the logistics company, check out the international delivery fee, customs clearance fee and other related costs, such as package removal, package strengthen, tag removal, where those can also be accomplished after you have checked the corresponding service, we will pack as your requests.

Step 6: BuyAnySee Collect Your Items from the Warehouse, Pack Your Items and Send Out Your Items

Step 7: Receiving Packages

After receiving parcels, confirm the items in “Personal center" - "Package" to complete the Shopping Agent service by evaluating the experience.

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